Friday, February 1, 2013

...of the Small World of UNI

Panthers, guess what!?

I'm sure countless of possibilities are running through your head, well here is one that you are probably not thinking about after college! You probably don't even want to think about that right now, considering you haven't even arrived on campus! However, as a college student, it will always be running through your brain.  I have this degree, now what do I do with it? How will the real world treat me? Where am I going to end up?

Mind boggling, right? Fortunately, UNI doesn't leave you high and dry! Even as a sophomore, I have met a TON of alumni and they are all willing to help me establish my networking circle :)  It is always great hearing about their life on campus and then all they have accomplished since graduation.  You want to know what is really neat? When you come across UNI alumni off campus!

Over winter break, I had two of those really neat experiences. The first, my brother had just downloaded some app on his phone and was checking out all the ins and outs.  He came across an announcement from the creator of the app, check it out:

If you took the time to read that, you would have noticed that the creator of this app is a UNI alum! He was apologizing for the lack of updates, seeing as he just moved to a new city after graduation!

The second, at my brother's dance competition, some lady stopped me in mid-stride.  It turns out, she saw the purple and gold I was sporting at UIC (University of Illinois Chicago).  She wanted to know all about my college experience and how I came across UNI.  She had graduated some time ago and her daughter actually goes to UNI currently!  Also, she is the Godmother of an old STAR, Katie!

So, start wearing your UNI gear and you never know when a helpful alum will randomly find you! Who knows, they might offer you a job!?

~STAR Joslyn

1 comment:

  1. I wore one of my UNI soccer sweatshirts grocery shopping last spring in Darien, CT and a gentleman stopped me in the parking lot. He went to the Iowa and was surprised to see a familiar logo on the east coast. Had a nice little chat.

    p.s. In regards to the the changelog photo, the creator may have been talking about graduating university, and not specifically UNI. Would be awesome if they did just graduate UNI.
