Thursday, November 15, 2012

...of Staying Motivated (Avoid End-of-Semester Crash & Burn!)

We all know it's getting closer to the end of the semester, which means it's time to decorate your room for the holidays, start that project you've put off for a few weeks, and begin studying for finals.

But it's also time that many students find themselves "hitting a wall" and losing their will to study, go to class, etc. Fear not! I am here to provide you with some sure-fire ways to come out on top this semester, and avoid that dreaded crash and burn feeling.

While Studying...
-Give yourself a change of scenery. If you're used to being holed up in the ROD Library for hours, try heading to the Towers Center, the Union, or even Starbucks.

-Reward yourself with mini incentives. For instance, eat a fun-size candy bar for every chapter you read, or take a minute long dance break for every 20 minutes you study.

-Color code assignments and projects; it stimulates your brain! (this works well for fellow STAR Diann!)

Take Care of Yourself...
-Make sure you remember to eat during these last few weeks. I know it can be easy to skip lunch or dinner, but it is important to nourish your mind and body during this busy time. I recommend a trip to Panchero's at least twice a week to combat this. ;)

-Get lots of Zzz's! Seriously, if you aren't getting at least 7 hours of sleep, you will find yourself struggling. Fellow STAR Vanessa says that sleep is her best motivator!

Zen Out For A While...
-If you're feeling completely overwhelmed, try some deep breathing exercises. As cheesy as this sounds, it really works! I recommend "Squared Breathing." Inhale for 10 seconds, hold for 10, exhale for 10, breathe normally for 10, repeat. You will feel instantly better, trust me!

-Treat yourself to a manicure, an episode of How I Met Your Mother, an hour of Halo 4, or whatever helps you relax!

-Remember, the holidays are just around the corner, and you have lots of family time and home-cooked meals to look forward to!

Stay positive and align your chakras!
STAR Emily

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