Wednesday, October 10, 2012

...of Laundry day!

The day I've been putting off for weeks has come, when all of my clothes have sadly been thrown into the laundry basket and I have nothing else to wear. You guessed it, it's laundry day. 

Doing laundry in the dorms is a little bit different than doing it at home (mainly because your mom isn't there to do it for you!) but once you get the hang of it, it's really pretty easy.
A major difference from doing laundry at home is that in the dorms it isn't free, so you can either pay with the spare change you find in your futon, or use this:
All you have to do is slide your card, and your laundry is automatically charged to your UBill. (Personally I like this way a LOT better than searching for quarters around my dorm room!)
Once you slide your card, or put your quarters in the washers, it's pretty smooth sailing. Just follow a few basic rules and you should be just fine: 
  • separate whites from darks (unless you want all pink socks) 
  • use the right amount of detergent
  • and don't try to shove too many clothes in the machines (believe me, not a good idea)
Oh, and don't be that kid who leaves their clothes in the machines to hang out way past the time that they're done...
no one likes that kid.
Don't be intimidated to do your laundry in the dorms because, let's face it, you do not have enough clothes to last you till Thanksgiving Break!

-Melanie, STAR

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