Monday, April 13, 2015

...Of Sprinting to the Finish!

It's April 14th... which means... SUMMER BREAK IS LESS THAN A MONTH AWAY! 

Which means finals are coming up and you have a ton of projects and you just kind of feel like:

So what are you supposed to do? Well, here are some tips in getting ready for the final stretch.

Write EVERYTHING down.

Tip 2:
Plan ahead. Figure out what has priority. You may have a huge project due on Friday, but by next week you have to have a whole book read. Yes, finish the project first, but don't put that book off. Get started now! Baby steps.

Tip 3:
Once you've completed all of your projects and studying and papers and whatever else you had to do, get excited! You've worked your hardest and you deserve a big ole pat on the back.
Enjoy your summer at the end of it all and get excited to come right on back in the Fall. Now that you've made it through this school year, nothing can ever stress you out again! 

 -STAR, Lauren

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