Wednesday, February 19, 2014

...With love in the air!

Hey there, future Panthers!

So, as we all know, the most beloved and most hated holiday was just upon us… Valentines Day. It can get a little old hearing your friends rave about their plans with their special someone or worse yet- hearing those without that special someone complain about their loneliness and likelihood to become a crazy cat lady or lifelong bachelor. Either way, it’s just another day on the calendar. Although yes, it is bursting with sappy cards and chocolaty gushiness, we can all get through it.

One way that my friends and I decided to celebrate by was having an anti-Valentines Day party! What does this entail might you ask? ALL the fun of Valentines Day minus all of the pressure that goes with it! We hung around with our singleton friends and ate food, told jokes, watched movies, played games and had a great time! What could be better? Probably nothing.

There is such a stigma attached to having a significant other and celebrating accordingly on that ONE day the entire year. But I was thinking about it, and why should it have to be that way? Why should I have to designate ONE person to be my Valentine? I remember the good old days in elementary school where we all made personalized card boxes and set them out so everyone in class could walk around and hand out their Batman and Barbie themed cards to every single box and call it a day! I like to think of the day being one where I can spread the love to EVERYONE in my life, not just one person.

Remember all of the people in your life who you love and are lucky to have around and consider them all your Valentines! Don’t just restrict yourself to one person because lets be real- We all have so many amazing people in our lives am I right?!

So next year when you're feeling down and out with no plans on the day of love, remember that it doesn't have to be celebrated as modern society tells us we should. That being said, I hope all of you love birds had a great time celebrating with your special someone. 

So before I sign off, let me just share a little video of STAR Emily and I doing some very enthusiastic Valentine's Day card reading! Hopefully it gives you a little giggle.

Sending love to all of you!!! 

STAR, Molly

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