Wednesday, February 19, 2014

...of Writing College Papers

Hey Future Panthers!!

A lot of you have asked how hard college is… well, it really isn’t that difficult!

Remember how you were scared to go to high school, it is kind of the same for college.  Your academics grow with you :)

Plus, UNI has plenty of resources to help you make that academic transition! Read below to find out how you can use them to write that first college paper:

Academic Learning Center
The ALC is located in the ITTC.
The ALC helps students with writing, and plenty other subjects.  You can go to them with a paper and they will help you turn a good paper into a great paper! Cheesiness aside, it is always nice to have an outsider look at your work and point out certain aspects that you may not see.
Stop in and meet some pretty helpful Panthers!
The ALC is open from 8 am - 5 pm every Monday-Friday.

Rod Library

If you look back in the blog, you will see a visual tour of Rod Library, but Rod has more than just great looks.  Rod Library has an extensive online database where you can do all of your research! For my recent research paper, I was able to get all of my resources within an hour by simply searching the topic.  Also, going through Rod is a lot more impressive than typing the topic through google…
Almost 300K credited articles for my research topic!
The online database is available to you 24/7 and we also have 24 hour printing services on campus.  The only thing really hard about college is kicking that procrastination habit in the butt and UNI understands the struggle.

So, do not panic when you are a couple days away from that deadline.  You will soon make friends in those study places Stephanie talked about in a previous post.
Or write your paper on the big screen!!
Until next time!
~STAR Joslyn

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